Sunday, March 29, 2009

How I feel

Me as a child can only do so much, that is why I got blog so I can tell people around the world how I feel ! I am turning twelve in December and I only feel about nine because for one I am in grade five when I am supposed to be in grade six and people in my class treat me like I`m nine so that's how old I feel . I know I'm not a teenager but I`m almost there , Ive been saying that ever since I was about seven and now I am getting told by everyone how I should stay the same when I am a teenager , but then other people say it is impossible to stay the same. So know I`m just confused about everything. My best friend is two years younger than me and most people think she is older than my because that is how I act . Well they say so anyway! I am told that I look older than I really am every once in a while!!!!!!! I love grade five because the work is easier and I am the oldest in my class. My best friends name is Ysabella ,she helps me get through a lot of stuff , and she is (almost) not scared of anything. She was not a christian before I met her but now she comes to church with me most every Sunday and has given her life to Jesus!!!! Now I have someone to grow up with! I thank God for bringing her into my life and just thank Him for bringing my someone hew can teach me a few things herself. I think her and I will be friends for a very long time!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

People in Swaziland

Sometimes I go with my mom to the place that she works,and it`s hard to stand there and act like I`m okay,and happy when I look at them because it`s sad to see all of them just siting waiting for something good to happen in their life because most Swazi's have either H.I.V. or T.B. but God wants to use me to help all of them and to be there for them because they are no different than anybody I know. I know that I live in Swaziland so I can experience the life that they go through every day. I know that I will never be a Swazi but I love them like I am there sister !

I used to say to my mom that when I go to town with her or even when I am at school where everyone is happy and talking with their friends.So I say: mom it`s like a whole new world when I am with her at a rural area seeing all of these sick children and adults just sad all the time , but the funny thing is when they see us they are as happy as can be, that is why it is hard to see how they really feel. But I know as a child the best job I can do is love them and play with them and just have fun and not worry about anything just for once be them and see how they play and what games they play! Most of the time I forget where I am!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hi, I am exited about blogging, even though I am only eleven years old I have a lot of stuff to write about, but first I want to introduce myself.As you all know I am 11 years old, I have 6 pets and go to the best primary school in Swaziland,well at least I think so! Its name is Sifundzani primary .
All of my brothers and sisters go to high school but I don't mind!Well while we are on the subject , I have one brother and two sisters,I am the youngest out of my WHOLE family but again I don't mind.I play a lot of sports such as swimming ,field hockey,soccer, basketball and netball.I also do gymnastics.