Monday, May 10, 2010

This is truly, Swaziland

Swaziland is truly a beautiful country but some of the things that the people do in it, are just sad and wrong. I don't agree at all at how they treat people, what I saw with my own eyes last Friday was just wrong and so sad, what could I have done?

Last Friday I was walking in town with my sister, brother and mom, we were buying new clothes for my brother. My mom's close friend worked in one of the shops by the parking lot so we stopped by to say hello, my mom and her friend got to talking when one of the people in the room said, oh my gosh, isn't that your shoe guy Audry? Audry was the friend of my moms. So Audry looked out side and the parking guards, the PARKING guards were beating, very hardly, beating this man right in front of us. Audry looks at him and said no, that's not him but why are they beating him so bad? My mother's face was so sad that it made me sad, she wanted to go out there and tell them to wait for the police to come but we stopped her because we knew it would be no use and she could have gotten hurt.

We carried on shopping and on the way back, like two hours later we left, but before we left, my mom had to figure out what had happened to the man and why were the guards beating him.So she went back to Audry and she said that he had stolen something from Shop Right and that they kept beating him so he kept trying to run away and that he was bleeding everywhere and there was blood all over the parking lot so she called the police but by the time they got there the man had run to the bus rank, Audry said that he was so badly hurt that he couldn't run that fast so they caught him at the bus rank and probably beat him to death there.

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