Wednesday, August 17, 2011


When we first moved to Swaziland, I was excited, a new home, new friends, I was excited to start school and our new life.I was excited just to be here, I had my other missionary friends...well, actually, I only had one person that was my age and a missionary, she was my best friend for so long! We did everything together, we played and talked about things that we couldn't talk about with other people, my relationship with God was great, and she had something to do with that, she was amazing!

When I started school I started hanging out with other people, but I was never as close to them as I was to her.But she didn't go to my school, she didn't even go to a school, she was home schooled. That didn't stop us from being best friends though.

I was in grade 5, a grade when most girls need their friends most of all, I needed my friend most of all! My parents were having trouble at work, and my friend's parents and my parents worked together. My parents were talking about doing other things, outside of the ministry they were in, and I thought it sounded great! But the ministry they were in needed them to stay focused on their work, and my parents agreed to stay focused. In my parent's hearts, they new that God wanted them to be doing something different though, and they had to obey God so after a while they left.

The relationship I had with my best friend, seemed to leave with my parents. I stopped going over, and started hanging out with friends from school, I didn't have anyone else! I am in grade 7 now, and my old best friend is gone, she moved back to the States with her family when her grand father died, she moved earlier this year. I still don't have a christian best friend, I barely even have a christian friend, and a person needs a christian friend to help them stay strong in their faith. I was ready to give up, but I know that God is my Friend, and that He loves and cares for me, and in His timing He will give me a new best friend!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yesterday something happened to me that has never happened before, something that I thought would not happen to me, something I prayed would not happen to me. How many of you have ever been betrayed? If you have then you know that it stinks and is one of the worste things that could happen. Why are people so mean, why are they so selfish and self centred? Why is the only thing they care about themselves, not all people are like this, but some can be a real pane.

So yesterday I was playing netball, it is kind of like basketball except when you have the ball you are not allowed to move. So I was playing netball with my team, and I am usually a GS which stands for goal scorer and my 'friend', Gilliana is a GA which stands for goal attack. But yesterday, our coach moved me to a GA, and there can only be one GA in a team, so Gilliana told the coach that I would be 14 at the end of the year and got me off the team. Just so that she wouldn't have any competition because she is usually the one in the spotlight, she got me off the team. It wasn't even fare because when I turn 14 it will be after school closes, on the 18 of December, but just because she was scared I might take her place on the team she made sure I couldn't get on to it.

While all of this time she had been saying she was my friend and that we will always be good friends, she goes and does that, how do you do that to someone? Please just tell me how you can call yourself a friend and then betray someone like that. And eveyone on the team is mad at her because this doesn't just affect me, but everyone else that is 14.

People are cruel, but there is One that loves you and would never do that to you, never do anything to hurt you, and His name is Jesus! I know that He loves me more than any and that He doesn't care if I am on the team or not! Because He knows what it feels like! He has been through it all, so if you ever are betrayed or feel sad and mad at the same time, just call on Him!