Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Real Friends

All my life I have been searching for a Real friend and I forgot the ones I already had,I looked and looked and kept looking but my real friends were right in front of me. You see I used to find every way possible to dislike my friends and go looking for new ones, but now I am starting to see the love and care and ...well the good side of my friends I have now and I see how selfish I had been and I think to my self God has blessed me in so many different kinds of really good friends.

For example , I have known this girl named Kayla for about 6 years now and we used to fight all the time I mean I would come to her house for just one night and we would have like three fights in one night, it was crazy but now you look at us and we are fine, no more than fine best friends and loving life just the way it is, and I am happy really, really happy!

Friday, July 10, 2009


We are moving next week , I am not very exited because I love my house my house now that I have been living in for about five years now but it is amazing how we got the house so I am going to tell you about it.

It was at the beginning of may our landlady (the owner of our house ) gave us really bad news , of course my mom told me not to worry and it was her job to do that kind of stuff but I am old enough to under stand what was going on so basically we had to start looking for a house before someone found ours . My mom was so sad that I don't think I saw her smile for the longest time , we looked at house after house after house but there always seemed to be someone right before us that took the house. I think we looked at about four houses before we found our new home.

Well all of our luck was about to turn the other way around ! So one night my mom needed
to take a break so she went out with some of her friends and she was just talking about how things had been and that we are looking for a house and someone that she had never met before that was with one of her friends started talking to her and getting to know her ,well finally she said well my husband and I are moving in July if you want to come look at my house, my mom asked how much was the rent and how many rooms are there? The lady looked at my mom and said there five bedrooms ,two gust rooms and the rent is seven thousand a month. My mom asked immediately when could we come and see it? The lady said you can come anytime you like.

It was about a week or so after and a Sunday afternoon. My mom took us to the house and immediately we all fell in love with it.We made the arrangements and we were all set for the end of July.......until we got a call from our landlady saying she found someone who wants it and we have to be out by the middle of July which was a problem because they would only be out by the end of July ,my mom stared worrying again , when we found out that the couple were moving early so we could come into the house so weks have gon by and now we are moving on this Tuesday! Wish us luck!

Monday, April 27, 2009


In the past three or four weeks my family and I have been looking for houses. It has been a disaster , what I mean by that is we have had no luck at all, we have at leased looked at five houses and it is so hard to find a house with five or even four bedroom. It is hardest on my mom because she was the one who had to call everyone and go see all of these horrible looking houses and each time she would go to a house the more she would loose hope in ever finding one big enough and enough space for my dad to work.The second to last house we saw was in such bad condition , I could see my mom was finished. Her face was red and I thought to my self , will we ever find a house that is in good condition?

I had been telling everyone that we had been looking for a five or four bedroom house, and yesterday we got a phone call from a lady that goes to our church saying that she was moving and it would be fine if we would like to look at the house. Well we did and it was perfect . It had five bedrooms inside and a double garage with two extra bedrooms and it had the most beautiful yard with flowers on the fence and we could build a big garden with a lot more space left . The only thing we would have to do is put up a fence on one side to separate our dogs. When I looked at my mom I could see she was all yes and for the first time in a long time I saw my mom smile!

Now all we have to do is wait until September and then our new home is ready!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How I feel

Me as a child can only do so much, that is why I got blog so I can tell people around the world how I feel ! I am turning twelve in December and I only feel about nine because for one I am in grade five when I am supposed to be in grade six and people in my class treat me like I`m nine so that's how old I feel . I know I'm not a teenager but I`m almost there , Ive been saying that ever since I was about seven and now I am getting told by everyone how I should stay the same when I am a teenager , but then other people say it is impossible to stay the same. So know I`m just confused about everything. My best friend is two years younger than me and most people think she is older than my because that is how I act . Well they say so anyway! I am told that I look older than I really am every once in a while!!!!!!! I love grade five because the work is easier and I am the oldest in my class. My best friends name is Ysabella ,she helps me get through a lot of stuff , and she is (almost) not scared of anything. She was not a christian before I met her but now she comes to church with me most every Sunday and has given her life to Jesus!!!! Now I have someone to grow up with! I thank God for bringing her into my life and just thank Him for bringing my someone hew can teach me a few things herself. I think her and I will be friends for a very long time!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

People in Swaziland

Sometimes I go with my mom to the place that she works,and it`s hard to stand there and act like I`m okay,and happy when I look at them because it`s sad to see all of them just siting waiting for something good to happen in their life because most Swazi's have either H.I.V. or T.B. but God wants to use me to help all of them and to be there for them because they are no different than anybody I know. I know that I live in Swaziland so I can experience the life that they go through every day. I know that I will never be a Swazi but I love them like I am there sister !

I used to say to my mom that when I go to town with her or even when I am at school where everyone is happy and talking with their friends.So I say: mom it`s like a whole new world when I am with her at a rural area seeing all of these sick children and adults just sad all the time , but the funny thing is when they see us they are as happy as can be, that is why it is hard to see how they really feel. But I know as a child the best job I can do is love them and play with them and just have fun and not worry about anything just for once be them and see how they play and what games they play! Most of the time I forget where I am!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hi, I am exited about blogging, even though I am only eleven years old I have a lot of stuff to write about, but first I want to introduce myself.As you all know I am 11 years old, I have 6 pets and go to the best primary school in Swaziland,well at least I think so! Its name is Sifundzani primary .
All of my brothers and sisters go to high school but I don't mind!Well while we are on the subject , I have one brother and two sisters,I am the youngest out of my WHOLE family but again I don't mind.I play a lot of sports such as swimming ,field hockey,soccer, basketball and netball.I also do gymnastics.